Little Rock Central High School // Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church in Memphis // National Civil Rights Museum // Beale Street // University of Mississippi, Institute for Racial Reconciliation // Birmingham Civil Rights Institute // 16th St. Baptist Church // The King Center // Ebenezer Baptist Church // Southern Poverty Law Center // Dexter Ave. Baptist Church and Parsonage // Rosa Parks Museum // National Voting Rights Museum // Footprints to Freedom Tour // Medgar Evers Home and Museum // Mississippi Center for Justice // The Fannie Lou Hammer Institute on Citizenship and Democracy

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Today we went to the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis. We learned more about desegregation of schools, bus boycotts, sit-ins, and protests. I can't help but wonder...if placed in the same situation, would I be willing to endure the same humiliation, fear, violence, hardship? Part of the museum is built around the room at the Lorraine Hotel where Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated. Standing in the room where MLK spent his last minutes, I couldn't help but think about the movement and the countless number of people who gave their lives for the promise of equality and freedom. Would I do the same? For what issues would I be willing to give up my life?

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