Little Rock Central High School // Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church in Memphis // National Civil Rights Museum // Beale Street // University of Mississippi, Institute for Racial Reconciliation // Birmingham Civil Rights Institute // 16th St. Baptist Church // The King Center // Ebenezer Baptist Church // Southern Poverty Law Center // Dexter Ave. Baptist Church and Parsonage // Rosa Parks Museum // National Voting Rights Museum // Footprints to Freedom Tour // Medgar Evers Home and Museum // Mississippi Center for Justice // The Fannie Lou Hammer Institute on Citizenship and Democracy

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Montgomery Alabama (William's Group)

Today, we vistited the Rosa Parks Memeorial Museum and the Southern Poverty Law Center. We covered quite a bit less than we have in some of the other places we have been. We have learned that at the core of a lot of racial isses bothe past and present, is the issue of a lack of education. When people do not have aduquate information, they will not make what we consider to be informed decisions. In addition, it seems that many people today do not seek to learn. Many rely on the authority of those whom they respect or of who serve as the intelligent individuals in their lives. In the wake of the Croncite era, people hear all sorts of logically flawed arguments and misrepresented concepts, along with the assurance that "... thats the way it is."

So where do we go from here? What do we do? Well, we seem to have identified parents as being instrumental in facilitating change. The young will use what they learn; but they must be taught. But here is an interesting question... In the midst of a society in which non-ruling citizens have considerably more power than most nations both past and present, could it be that we are in fact getting what we want? Is this reality the one we as a whole have chosen? We have endless resources, which we don't use. Many people in the public eye cannot be trusted, yet we listen to them. In a nation of so much, we fail to utilize it all. When do we step up? Can we step up? If so, how will you take up the challenge?

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