Little Rock Central High School // Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church in Memphis // National Civil Rights Museum // Beale Street // University of Mississippi, Institute for Racial Reconciliation // Birmingham Civil Rights Institute // 16th St. Baptist Church // The King Center // Ebenezer Baptist Church // Southern Poverty Law Center // Dexter Ave. Baptist Church and Parsonage // Rosa Parks Museum // National Voting Rights Museum // Footprints to Freedom Tour // Medgar Evers Home and Museum // Mississippi Center for Justice // The Fannie Lou Hammer Institute on Citizenship and Democracy

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Good ol' Montgomery

I really enjoyed the Southern Poverty Law Center. After being on the tour for six days it seems like most of the events are beginning to run into each other but, today I saw something that was new, unique, and different. For one, the SPLC showed the lives of over 200 unsolved mysteries of individuals that were killed during the civil rights movement which I thought was very interesting because no one really hears about these unsolved cases except for the "Emmitt Tills" or "Jimmie Lee Jacksons". Another thing I liked was that the SPLC showed how the world is today in regards to racism, whether it be sex, gender,religion, or color. It shows that we still have a long way to go.
Also today in my small group J.T. brought up the question of where we think God is leading us to go. I have always been struggling with this question because honestly, there are some instances when I really feel like I don't want to be "called" on because I don't want to fail. There are other cases when I am up for whatever He has for me. I believe my calling is to listen. That seems kind of simple but it is one of the hardest things to do because as an American we feel like what we say is always important but, for some reason I am able to listen to people with ridiculous patience (expect for siblings or course). I just don't want to be the one that gives them bad news or worsens their situation. To sum up, I know that through my ongoing education and spiritual beliefs, I know that whatever I set my mind to can be accomplished.

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