Little Rock Central High School // Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church in Memphis // National Civil Rights Museum // Beale Street // University of Mississippi, Institute for Racial Reconciliation // Birmingham Civil Rights Institute // 16th St. Baptist Church // The King Center // Ebenezer Baptist Church // Southern Poverty Law Center // Dexter Ave. Baptist Church and Parsonage // Rosa Parks Museum // National Voting Rights Museum // Footprints to Freedom Tour // Medgar Evers Home and Museum // Mississippi Center for Justice // The Fannie Lou Hammer Institute on Citizenship and Democracy

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hotlanta! And By Hot I mean Cold and Rainy...

We started off the day with a little rain and a visit to the King Center. The King Center was the idea of Coretta Scott King and has multiple buildings and outdoor sites on its campus. We started out with a movie about the Civil Rights Movement which gave general background to the era. However, one quote from the movie stuck out in my mind. Martin Luther King, Jr. was discussing the spreading of the civil rights demonstrations to the Northern cities and he said that he had never seen as much hatred and hostility as he did in the crowds in Chicago. Being from the Chicago area, it is interesting for me to hear that MLK thought that the interactions between Caucasians and African-Americans were so extreme. After looking around the gallery in the building, many went outside to see the tombstone of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The tombstone was in the middle of a deep blue reflecting pool. Right across from the tombstone was the eternal flame that shone brightly even in the midst of the pouring rain. The rain definitely could not take away from the beauty of these two things.

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