Little Rock Central High School // Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church in Memphis // National Civil Rights Museum // Beale Street // University of Mississippi, Institute for Racial Reconciliation // Birmingham Civil Rights Institute // 16th St. Baptist Church // The King Center // Ebenezer Baptist Church // Southern Poverty Law Center // Dexter Ave. Baptist Church and Parsonage // Rosa Parks Museum // National Voting Rights Museum // Footprints to Freedom Tour // Medgar Evers Home and Museum // Mississippi Center for Justice // The Fannie Lou Hammer Institute on Citizenship and Democracy

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mel's blog round 2! // JT's group //

I'm blogging on my iPhone so don't judge on grammer/spelling/etc. Bhaha :)

Today moved me. Stories became reality, pictures became people, inner emotions became tears. This entire week we have been learning, listening, seeing, and grappling with the events surrounding the civil rights movement. The recency of the sacrificing determination of the people involved in the movement became real to me in an unexpected way.

We were lucky enough to see a womens poetry group this evening at the Rosa Parks Museum. These women were the epitome of strength and beauty. Even though they were just little girls during the movement their memories were vivid and heart wrenching.

One lady expressed her memory of the 16th bapist church bombing. We had just toured the chuch a couple days prior and hearing her story in poetry wrestled with my heart in a way I can't explain. She ended her poetry peice with a song. We all stood up and sang in the name of freedom... Clappng our hands in the name of freedom... Standing beside eachother connected with inspiration in the name of freedom... And at that moment, just for a minute I felt I got a tiny glimpse into what it may have felt like to rally together, next to strangers, in the name of freedom.

These women ignigted something inside me. I felt such an admiration for women...whose role as the backbone of their family became pivotal in a movement that changed a system that discredited the priciples our country is built on.

Love to all.

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